Research & innovation
The world of ICT is in continuous evolution. From the time of Alan Turing and Claude Shannon, we saw how technological change has been a key driver of change. In the last 20 years we have witnessed a rapid growth that resulted in an acceleration of the digital transformation as a set of technological, digital, organizational, social, creative and managerial changes. We are experiencing the 4.0 revolution, which is also based on scientific research and innovation.
Since 2008, Eustema’s Research and Innovation Department has actively contributed to this revolution with an organizational model that brings together different teams of researchers and production specialists to carry out projects to improve citizens’ lives, improve the services of public institutions, increase the value of companies, improve performance, customer satisfaction and products while reducing environmental impact.
Our organizational model consists of two Industrial Research Laboratories, based in Naples and Rome, a process of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Open Innovation, Technology Transfer initiatives, collaboration with the main National and European Universities and Research Centers, realization of co-financed Research&Development projects and Industrial Research doctorates.
Technological paths
Eustema has been working for years to transform technologies into concrete projects in strategic areas. The Group also has an important track record in projects related to Open Governance and technologies at the service of Smart Cities and AgriTech, focusing on environmental sustainability. Among the Group’s fields of application are also those related to the mobility of the future and space applications with data-driven projects, solutions, and services.

and Wellness

Open government
and Smart City




Eustema Research
Our HUBs for industrial research are aimed at the development and innovation of ICT technologies.
Design Thinking and Lean Startup,
that’s the boost we use
to drive the change
From Research to Innovation?
It’s easy
With our 3D structured model
Academic Collaborations
We have successfully awarded and carried out many industrial research projects co-financed under the National Research Operational Program of MIUR and MISE.
SLEM – Smart Legal Management (FCS – MISE)
Enterprise Legal Management project is targeted at the digital transformation of the legal areas of companies and institutions through models, tools, and techniques of Data Analytics and Machine Learning.
o Duration – 36 months (in progress)
o Proponent – Eustema, collaboration ITTIG-CNR and Uni Bicocca/CRISP
SCMS – Semantic Content Management System
The SCMS project has defined a platform for new forms of Content Production & Publishing, exploiting the ability to create correlations between the information on the Web through Semantic technologies and Linked Data models.
o Duration – 30 months
o Proponent – Eustema, collaboration with DIETI – University of Naples «Federico II».
DIGICULT – Valorizzazione di Giacimenti Culturali Diffusi (PON – MIUR)
The project aims at defining models, methodologies and innovative software prototypes for the enhancement of cultural heritage.
o Duration – 36 months
o Proponents – Poste italiane (CRS), Eustema, CRMPA, CEMSAC, Interact, Protom Group, LitCom.
MODERN – Modelli Architetturali per Definizione, Esecuzione e Riconfigurazione di Processi User-Centric nell’Impresa 2.0 (PON – MIUR)
The project aimed at the organic and structured identification of methodologies and models supporting the innovation process and the provision of services by organizations and companies in line with the paradigm of Impresa 2.0.
o Duration – 36 months
o Proponents – Poste italiane (CRS), Eustema, CRMPA, CEMSAC, Italsystem, Mate Consulting