Eustema considers corporate social responsibility as a strategic challenge. The transparent and responsible management of business processes and resources, with a focus on human resources aims to improve the economic and social context in which the Group and its stakeholders operate.
The company complies with the principles expressed by national and international laws on Corporate Social Responsibility and by the SA-Social Accountability 8000 standard (the first standard issued at international level), known under the acronym SA8000.
The idea that profit objectives cannot exclude a more conscious participation of the company in important initiatives for ethical and social development has been translated into support for many initiatives promoted by various non-profit organizations:
- Fondazione James non morirà Onlus – supporting the children of the Ethiopian city of Adwa
- Associazione Telefono Azzurro Onlus – supporting the Territorial Centers of Telefono Azzurro
- ANMIL Onlus – supporting the activity of protection and assistance to people with disabilities and invalids at work
- AVITA Onlus – support for the project “One more smile” in favor of the children of Togo and Benin
- Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII – supporting charitable activities for family housing in memory of Don Oreste Benzi
- Earthquake in Emilia Romagna and the Province of Mantua – Adhesion to the Confindustria, Cgil, Cisl and UIl Intervention Fund in favor of the populations, workers and industrial systems of the Emilia Romagna Region and the Province of Mantua.
- Telethon Foundation – supporting fundraising initiatives to finance scientific research on genetic diseases
- UN Refugee Agency UNHCR – supporting the protection of the basic human rights of refugees and stateless people