30 years of Eustema
On May 17, 1989, a press conference announces the birth of Eustema Spa.
“Eustema provides solutions and services aimed at improving through information technology the relation between citizens and public institutions. The company will develop information systems and software. We live in a society increasingly complex to understand not only for industries and economic operators but, above all, for citizens. Information technology represents a further chance to improve the quality of the relation between citizens and institutions. Eustema will enter the market of public and private institutions providing expertise, experience and organization”
(la Repubblica, 18 maggio 1989).
Last events
2021 Legal Tech Forum
2 May 2022
“Avanti con giudizio: etica e legaltech per i nuovi servizi legali”. Questo l’intervento dei nostri Rosalba Oliva, resp. marketing EUforLEGAL, e Donato Cappetta, responsabile R&D Gruppo Eustema, durante l’edizione 2021 del Legal Tech Forum.

Boost the economy from IT, foresee digital transformation trends, analyze the influence of IT Technology on civil society: these are among the main topics covered during the Eustema Day, Eustema’s event that explores the global trend of the world of digital technologies.
With the speech of leading figures from the national IT panorama and the presence of representatives of Italian institutions, Eustema Day once again continues to analyze the evolution of the IT sector across the main forces in the field: businesses, public administration and citizens